Despite Shortcomings, America Isn’t ‘Failed Historic Model’

By Jerry Newcombe Striker Summary: American patriots need to be concerned about more and more U.S. residents, citizens, and public officials openly denouncing the nation’s ideals. As flawed as is the United States, much of what its Founders endorsed is noble and worth emulating. The column below brought to you courtesy of Striker Journal …Continue reading “Despite Shortcomings, America Isn’t ‘Failed Historic Model’”

Marxists Bribe Future Generations for Lying Philosophy That Has Never Worked … Anywhere

By Jerry Newcomb, D.Min Striker Summary: Marxism and Communism have never worked successfully anywhere — yet people keep falling for their false promises. Meanwhile, America’s Founders established a system based on man’s true, flawed nature and the God Who supplied a remedy for it. The column below brought to you courtesy of Striker Journal …Continue reading “Marxists Bribe Future Generations for Lying Philosophy That Has Never Worked … Anywhere”

Don’t Let Smear of ‘Christian Nationalism’ Silence You

By Jerry Newcomb, D.Min Striker Summary: The term “Christian Nationalist” is being bandied about lately to slander those who believe men’s rights come from God, not government. Applying that definition to history, it turns out America’s Founders and many of its most notable leaders were so-called “Christian Nationalists”. Christians who believe they are called toContinue reading “Don’t Let Smear of ‘Christian Nationalism’ Silence You”

A Look at Liberal Lingo … and Its Hangups, Obsessions, Dangers

By Allan Erickson Striker Summary: The Left has wreaked havok on language the past several decades, redefining familiar terms and even coining some newish ones. The goal is not only to capture the use of these words, but to overthrow the way things are. Note its particular fixation on matters aligned with race, sexuality andContinue reading “A Look at Liberal Lingo … and Its Hangups, Obsessions, Dangers”

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