A Look at Liberal Lingo … and Its Hangups, Obsessions, Dangers

By Allan Erickson

Striker Summary: The Left has wreaked havok on language the past several decades, redefining familiar terms and even coining some newish ones. The goal is not only to capture the use of these words, but to overthrow the way things are. Note its particular fixation on matters aligned with race, sexuality and gender.

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by Allan Erickson

“ . . . to wear an improper expression on your face (to look incredulous when a victory was announced, for example) was itself a punishable offence. There was even a word for it in Newspeak: facecrime, it was called.”             George Orwell


Any hint, sneer or whisper protesting the UniParty, the Swamp, the Administrative State or the Established Order shall be met with the full force of the federal government even if that means mass surveillance, censorship, imprisonment without charges, excessive sentences or incarceration without conviction. All political activities of conservatives, populists, patriots, Christians, Veterans and Law Enforcement are insurrectionist until proven otherwise.


Allegedly enlightened secularists who view the world simplistically: us against them, black white. The ‘us’ population includes: abortionists, anarchists, atheists, communists, Democrats, the deranged, environmentalists, gender activists, globalists, illegals, progressives, real racists, radicals, socialists, social justice warriors, sexual deviants, tyrants, utopians, the venomous and venal.  The Woke lord it over others demanding complete conformity and compliance.        

White supremacy           

Let the record show that no one is supreme save God alone. To assert otherwise is ridiculous, inviting a war with the Most High. This goes for black, yellow, brown and red supremacy. Anyone who positions one race superior or inferior to another is a racist by definition. Such people have a ‘divide and conquer’ agenda. They reject civilization and instead gorge themselves on fear, hate and suspicion. They exploit the sin nature asserting supremacy themselves, feeding violence in thought, word and deed. Sharia supremacy comes to mind.

White nationalism

The political wing of white supremacy. According to the Left, white nationalism is responsible for leveraging racism to turn Republicans into Nazis. They have yet to explain how Republicans have actually become less nationalistic and more soft and effeminate.  

Toxic masculinity

Another lethal construct created out of thin air and used as a weapon to divide genders in the continuous assault on natural design and function. Logically, if there is such a thing as toxic masculinity, then there must also be toxic femininity. How is such toxicity defined? Those wielding the weapon define it any way they like depending on the circumstances. Combining white supremacy and toxic masculinity allows aggressors to go nuclear, doubling the chaos and mayhem.  One naturally and logically must ask: to what end? Answer: to achieve fundamental change systemically, the kinds of change allowing as much anarchy as possible in order to feed every selfish impulse. Naturally, the machine creates toxic policy. Men and women are inherently toxic. Isn’t that obvious!? And only the God of love can address that situation.


A culture run by men, dominated by men, and ruined by men, one celebrating the abuse of women and children, the embodiment of rampant aggression driven by testosterone, alcohol and steroids.  One cannot find such a culture anywhere in the West. Please let us know if you find one. In truth, with partial inquiry, one finds that women run the world, that matriarchy reigns.


There are now 81 ways to describe gender constructs. Did you catch that? Gender is a construct. It is not a biological state of being as prescribed by the Creator. No. Gender is determined 81 ways by random choice and arbitrary labeling. Associated beliefs: men can get pregnant, women can become men, men can become women and all this can happen to minors with access and the ability to deceive their parents. Exploiting gender dysphoria is big business! 


We have crossed over. In a few short years human kind managed to move from the biblical, healthful arrangement (one man, one woman, monogamous marriage for life) to total sexual chaos and all the attending curses that chaos brings: death, injury and heart ache to billions of people. You’d think available, accurate data would influence our public and private lives, that is, assuming we are rational beings. The fact we are blase about it shows we are not rational. The shift from general welfare to selfish indulgence marks our retreat from virtue.  

Reproductive Healthcare

The octopus is a master of disguise and deception. He can change color to blend into his environment. When threated he spews black ink to cover his retreat. With multiple tentacles and suction cups he can grasp and consume prey. So it is with pro death operatives operating in ‘health’ clinics throughout the country. These operatives kill innocent human beings. Guilt drives them to camouflage, hiding, running and redefined words and phrases, asserting a right to kill innocent human beings. They assert a right to choose, denying all opposition that same right, hypocrites in the extreme, always on the hunt for new prey.  They deny the miracle of conception and attack all that is sacred, calling it good.   

Climate Change

What we once called ‘global warming,’ a system of thought washing the brains of those who consider it Truth beyond examination, designed and deployed as a radical approach to environmentalism, crafted to promote global communism via the United Nations, conditioned by China, Russia, Iran and India. Depopulation by any means is thereby on the table. Individual rights and liberty itself are on the chopping block. And if you object, say hello to your Jan. 6 cellmate.

Rule of Law

We no longer live in a Republic where the rule of law is supreme. Rather, we live in a dictatorship where rulers call the shots and the rest of us obey or else. For verification, compare the treatment of elites versus Jan. 6 demonstrators. Compare the treatment of pro-life activists versus BLM and Antifa rioters. Compare the treatment of Christians and parents protesting porn in schools to a favored mindset in universities that promotes genocide against Jews.  Compare rabid hostility directed at all forms of traditionalism, without consequences, to the persecution of peaceful protesters calling for a return to family values.


Fact-driven reporters are rare. Even if they succeed as intellectual gatekeepers, they are bombarded with criticism and efforts to silence them. Old school reporting has been overrun by TV primarily where the priorities are sensationalism, partisanship, favoritism and news readers with short skirts, ample cleavage, and ADD.


A political arrangement where the majority rules, with a vengeance. Historically, morphs into mob rule. There is no provision for minority input, no representative government, little if any concern for individual rights or the rule of law. When the Left decries the destruction of “our democracy,” they mourn the passing of that which never was, and never will be, a utopian ‘democracy’ nourished by good intentions but totally lacking in practical application.  But of course, the goal is to demonize MAGA, so the straw man is useful: set up a false and dangerous premise, then attack the premise.  Give us Republic over Democracy any day, if you want liberty and justice that is.


The once chanted in the streets: “We’re fierce, we’re feminists, and we’re in your FACE!” What ever happened to all that? Rape worldwide is off the charts. Child trafficking is off the charts. Violence against women is off the charts. Honor killings, off the charts. We don’t even hear a chant these days.

The Founders

A collection of colonialist slave owners steeped in notions of white privilege and private property, The Founders launched a regime marked by brutality and conquest resulting in the eradication of the native population.  

John Locke’s extensive writings decades before the American Revolution informed The Founders. He advocated for freedom, separation of powers, equal rights and much more, showing that the Left’s evaluation of The Founders is all wrong. Thomas Jefferson and others would apply Locke’s ideas to help birth the greatest country ever known, one whose existence relied on protecting everyone’s rights to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness.

“Whenever legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience.”                    John Locke

The views here are those of the author and not necessarily Striker Journal.

A version of this column originally appeared at Clashdaily.com .

Image: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/; Allen Allen; http://www.allenandallen.com ; https://www.flickr.com/photos/146141712@N06/33720891732

Allan Erickson – Christian, husband, father, journalist, businessman, screenwriter and author of The Cross & the Constitution in the Age of Incoherence, Tate Publishing, 2012. 

Published by Steve Pauwels

Pastor of Church of the King of Derry/Londonderry, NH; managing editor Striker Journal; former radio/podcast host; married, father of three sons. Writer, exercise enthusiast, Dunkin'Donuts and Waffle House fan. Committed to see the Kingdom of God and His Son Jesus Christ impact every part of life.

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