Planet Fitness Goes Woke — and Pays the Price

By The Ruth Institute

Striker Summary:  Planet Fitness’s locker room policy has openly put transgender delusion above reality, the well-being of children above the twisted desires of adults. It’s stock value has, appropriately, collapsed as a result. Sensible people need to continue to push back like this against this manner of “woke” deception.

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by The Ruth Institute

Planet Fitness canceled the membership of a woman named Patricia Silva when she protested a man shaving in the women’s bathroom. After Silva went public about her experience, Planet Fitness’s stock dropped by roughly 15% in 12 days.

“I’m sorry for what happened to Silva, but grateful she spoke up about it,” said Ruth Institute president Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse. “Because of her story, people reacted. Striking at a company’s revenue is an effective way to promote sanity and hopefully enact change.”

“This situation also demonstrates why ideology needs to stop trumping reality,” Morse noted.

Silva wrote on social media: “Planet Fitness is defending the man in the women’s locker room, the man with a penis, rather than the child sitting in the corner with a towel wrapped around her … The little girl was freaked out that the man was there.” 

“Men who pretend to be women should not be defended over the safety and comfort of children,” Morse said. “Two years ago, this would have been obvious to the entire world, and that man would have been removed by security at the very least.”

“Now anyone who claims an identity other than the one they were born with makes everyone bow to their every whim.”

A Planet Fitness spokesman said, “As the home of the Judgement Free Zone, Planet Fitness is committed to creating an inclusive environment … Our gender identity non-discrimination policy states that members and guests may use the gym facilities that best align with their sincere, self-reported gender identity.” 

“The subtext here is: ‘If you’re a child or a parent who doesn’t want your child traumatized or possibly abused by a grown man in your female-only space, too bad. We don’t care about you.’”

“We were mocked about the slippery slope, told that crazy things like men using women’s bathrooms or changing in their locker rooms would never happen. But look where we’ve wound up.” 

“Now men can expose themselves to children, and not only get away with it, but be championed. We need to stop sacrificing children for adults’ desires.”

“Normal decent people need to make a fuss. If we stay silent, they win. We can’t stop pushing back. Nothing will change until more of us complain.”

“Don’t be afraid to make noise,” Morse concluded.

The views here are those of the author and not necessarily Striker Journal.

Image:; Adapted from: Mike Mozart;;

The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love.

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse has a Ph.D. in economics and has taught at Yale and George Mason University. She is the author of The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies are Destroying Lives, Smart Sex: Finding Life-Long Love in a Hook Up World, and Love and Economics: It Takes a Family to Raise a Village.

Published by Steve Pauwels

Pastor of Church of the King of Derry/Londonderry, NH; managing editor Striker Journal; former radio/podcast host; married, father of three sons. Writer, exercise enthusiast, Dunkin'Donuts and Waffle House fan. Committed to see the Kingdom of God and His Son Jesus Christ impact every part of life.

2 thoughts on “Planet Fitness Goes Woke — and Pays the Price

  1. My son was looking for a gym membership and I prevented him from going to PF since I was the one paying for it. Ultimately Retro Fitness in Lincroft, NJ benefited from PFs woke policies.


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