Leftists’ Insanity Is Clear … And They Want to Impose It on Rest of Us

By Allan Erickson

Striker Summary:  Time and again, Leftist philosophy and policy recommendations evince a stubborn insanity which it wants to impose on all of society.

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by Allan Erickson

Leftists have fought viciously for 100 years to install communist dictatorship worldwide calling it a defense of democracy, demanding freedom lovers surrender and obey, calling that enlightened.

When faced with over-crowded prisons, the solution is to turn criminals loose. When faced with increases in violent crime, the solutions are cutting police budgets, installing no cost bail, AGs refusing to prosecute, catch and release, persecuting law enforcement, then demanding more illegal immigration.

After establishing sanctuary cities to import millions of illegals, Leftists blame shift, play the race card and raise taxes to pay expenses for illegals.

Leftists readily agree that open borders are disastrous, putting everyone at risk, especially illegal migrants, yet they claim there is nothing to be done but to stay the course that caused the catastrophe in the first place.  Then they try arguing that open borders are actually good for the economy and good for the general welfare. Truly insane.

When illegals murder and rape citizens, it’s called the cost of doing business.

Armed criminals increasingly harm or kill law-abiding citizens. Leftist solution? Disarm citizens.

Leftists argue that economic justice is essentially a model of stealing from the rich to give to the poor, which drives everyone to bankruptcy, causing even greater inequities.

Leftists believe in pervasive and constant revolution fueled by constant upheaval and periodic violence. The trouble is: who is left to produce food?

Leftists believe people are essentially good and they can be perfected by the State. The Scripture teaches people are fallen and therefore prone to evil but they can be perfected by the Perfect One. Give the State all power and submit to its authority? Or rely on Divine power and submit to perfect authority?

Leftist logic: dispense billions of vaccinations under emergency authorization of suspicious substances, cause millions of deaths and injuries, then terrorize people saying a new virus is coming, recommending we all respond in the same way.

Project weakness resulting in Russian aggression against Ukraine, escalate by flooding the zone with weapons, claim you are making peace, standby and watch hundreds of thousands of people get killed, sanction Russia with no effect, see defeat clearly resulting, then call for more weaponry to again flood the zone.

‘Reform’ education by telling little boys they are girls, telling little girls they are boys, take them from their parents and mutilate them surgically, pump them full of hormones, then ignore spikes in suicide and mental illness.

The ‘free market’ rejects electric cars. Government subsidies to launch these cars failed, resulting in billions wasted. Consumers rejected electric cars. Car makers are shutting down left and right. And the Leftist government’s response? Force the issue by outlawing gas cars.

Leftist voices: pro-lifers are knuckle-dragging morons; justice demands we fully subsidize abortion at any time, even post-birth, never mind the moral imperative, we prefer selfish impulse to virtue.

Any speech not approved by entrenched interests is censored in the name of freedom.

Since the Constitution is merely advisory, freedom of religion is negotiable.

Leftists sponsored the Sexual Revolution coming up with 90 ways to self-satisfy only to remain confused and unfulfilled.

Porn destroys everything it touches, proven fact. It is anti-woman, anti-family, anti-male, anti-child, anti-society, anti-God, anti-humanity. The Left endorses all of it, even pushing it in grade schools.

Leftists have perfected the Art of the Hoax. The only trouble is lies tend to commit suicide.

Leftists create a continuous swirl of violence and chaos, then blame Patriots for creating violence and chaos. It is mental illness on a massive scale.

The views here are those of the author and not necessarily Striker Journal.

Originally posted @ Clashdaily.com.

Image:  CC0 Public Domain; Adapted from: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/1003871;

Allan Erickson – Christian, husband, father, journalist, businessman, screenwriter and author of The Cross & the Constitution in the Age of Incoherence, Tate Publishing, 2012. 

Published by Steve Pauwels

Pastor of Church of the King of Derry/Londonderry, NH; managing editor Striker Journal; former radio/podcast host; married, father of three sons. Writer, exercise enthusiast, Dunkin'Donuts and Waffle House fan. Committed to see the Kingdom of God and His Son Jesus Christ impact every part of life.

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