Twenty Reasons to Say ‘No’ to ‘Four More Years’

By Larry Tomczak:

No Striker Journal column should necessarily be taken as the site’s endorsement for any political candidate or party.

Striker Summary: Here are at least twenty reasons why the current political regime cannot continue as currently constituted. Responsible people must rise up and say, “No More!”

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by Larry Tomczak

On the wall of my study, I have a letter from one legendary leader who had a major influence on my life, Chuck Colson. It hangs above an autographed picture from President Ronald Reagan. Chuck was a champion in evangelical Christianity, founder of Prison Fellowship and former White House “hatchet man” before he converted to Christ.

Colson was a “watchman on the wall” who exhorted me to basically follow in his steps. He said, “No civilization has suffered the loss of two successive generations and survived. We’ve already lost one.” 

I’m passionate to communicate “present truth” (2 Pet. 1:12) that God is emphasizing in our generation to awaken the people of God to what’s most important at this critical time. I’m privileged to join other dedicated servants with the same assignment.

As we rapidly approach the most consequential presidential election in US history, I can almost hear Chuck Colson in that “great cloud of witnesses” (Heb.12:1) cheering all of us on from the grandstand of Heaven. We must step off the sidelines and into the arena as change agents who will not relinquish our beloved nation to secularists and socialists radically committed to what Obama called the “fundamental transformation of America.”

20 Areas Say “NO MORE”

1. Continuing corruption and coverups in government – Biden family mysterious  

     millions? Hunter’s laptop and tax evasion? Russian collusion? Unconstitutional

    debt “forgiveness?” Dementia?

2. Increasing control of Congress enacting policies contrary to our Constitution.
    Never in 200 years has the Senate (with 21 impeachment trials) ever simply   

    dismissed one as is being attempted now with Homeland Security overseer

    Alejandro Mayorkas. Senator Schumer (Dem. – NY) says, “Impeachment is never

    to be used over policies” yet this is clearly not merely “policy differences” but     

    lying to Congress plus “high crimes and misdemeanors,” violating the United            

     States Constitution!

3. Repeat coercion and abandonment of Israel.
    On June 22, 1982, then Senator Biden threatened (as now) to cut off Israel’s

    aid. Jewish Prime Minister Begin confronted him: “Don’t threaten us with

    cutting off your aid! It will not work! I am not a Jew with trembling knees. I am

    a proud Jew with 3700 years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid when

    we were dying in the gas chambers and ovens. Nobody came to our aid when

    we were striving to create our country. We paid for it. We fought for it. We died

    for it. We will stand by our principles. We will defend them. And when

    necessary, we will die for them again, with or without your aid!”

4. Election fraud and manipulative practices.

     No Voter ID; illegal immigrant voting; ballot harvesting; lack of surveillance…

5. Propaganda and promotion of “Trans” ideology.
     Drag shows in school classrooms and libraries; transgender-friendly curricula…

6. An economy in the toilet and inflation contradicting “Bidenomics.”

    “Glowing” pronouncements yet brutal realities and bankruptcies (Rite Aid; Bed,  

    Bath and Beyond; $0.99 Only [just closed 370 stores])…

7. Essentials – groceries and gas prices – continuing to escalate nonstop.

8. Unrestrained “open borders” influx and insanity.

    Rampant drug and sex trafficking; terrorists; criminals; rapists; law breakers;  

    unvetted migrants…

9. Multiple wars and threats of terrorist cell activity.

    Hundreds on “Terrorist Watch Lists” caught but over 50% easily slipped by!

10. Unprecedented weaponization of government agencies. 

       Ninety-one felony charges against a former President and presidential  


No More Elaboration Just 10 More

11. Ongoing LGBTQ indoctrination of children in schools.

12. Celebration and promotion of abortion ‘till birth and beyond (along with

       abortion pills being pushed).

13. Obscene spending accelerating $34 trillion debt and monetary meltdown.

14. Obsession with climate change, mandatory restrictions and forced


15. Increased surveillance and loss of freedom.

16. Appointment of leftist judges and prosecutors promoting lawlessness and

      laxity in criminal justice. 

17. Terrifying levels of fentanyl and drug distribution resulting in record deaths

      (100,000 annually), gang/cartel activity and violence in our cities, subways and


18. Injustice in women’s sports with transgender insanity, forfeiture of privacy,

      loss of awards (over 300) and scholarships.

19. Job killing regulations and racist D.I.E. (diversity, inclusion and equity) policies

      in corporations, schools and military.

20. Marxist strategy in play to replace traditional America. Progressives replace

America established on Judeo Christian Foundations and blessed by Almighty

       God with socialist/secular model (state is god/we are subjects) controlled

       by centralized government of elites in the totalitarian regime.

Here’s the deal: The unmitigated open border disaster, allowing an avalanche of over 10 million unsupervised and unvetted illegal immigrants into America is intentional and according to pernicious progressive plans. It is a glaring example of radical activism hopefully jolting America into an awakening!

Together with Chuck Colson and freedom loving, patriotic, traditional Americans, upon whose shoulders we stand, let’s line up to tell others, pray and cast our vote that triumphantly declares “NO MORE!”

No Striker Journal column should necessarily be taken as the site’s endorsement for any political candidate or party.

The views here are those of the author and not necessarily Striker Journal.


Published by Steve Pauwels

Pastor of Church of the King of Derry/Londonderry, NH; managing editor Striker Journal; former radio/podcast host; married, father of three sons. Writer, exercise enthusiast, Dunkin'Donuts and Waffle House fan. Committed to see the Kingdom of God and His Son Jesus Christ impact every part of life.

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