Twenty Reasons to Say ‘No’ to ‘Four More Years’

By Larry Tomczak: No Striker Journal column should necessarily be taken as the site’s endorsement for any political candidate or party. Striker Summary: Here are at least twenty reasons why the current political regime cannot continue as currently constituted. Responsible people must rise up and say, “No More!” The column below brought to you courtesyContinue reading “Twenty Reasons to Say ‘No’ to ‘Four More Years’”

Yes, the U.S.A. Can Compete with Low Cost Foreign Competitors … Here’s How

by William Pauwels Striker Summary: There are a number of practical steps the U.S. can take to make the nation more competitive with foreign players. Meanwhile, the Biden Administration seems intent on doing the opposite. The column below brought to you courtesy of Striker Journal … Sign up to receive email notifications of each newContinue reading “Yes, the U.S.A. Can Compete with Low Cost Foreign Competitors … Here’s How”

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