Major Study: Yes, Sexual Perversion Exacts Deadly Cost …

By Michael L. Brown Striker Summary: A major study indicates gay and bisexual women tend to die younger than heterosexual women. There is some disagreement as to why this is the case. Could the lonely, relationally disconnected situation in which many of those in these lifestyles find themselves have something to do with it? TheContinue reading “Major Study: Yes, Sexual Perversion Exacts Deadly Cost …”

Needed Right Now: True Wisdom! (And the Source for That Is … )

By John DeGroff Striker Summary:  What modern society needs as much as anything else is wisdom – God’s wisdom. It is made available in the book of Proverbs and other parts of the Scripture – and it often cuts against what unwise people think is the right thing to do. The column below brought toContinue reading “Needed Right Now: True Wisdom! (And the Source for That Is … )”

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