Pillars of Society: Reclaiming Traditional Motherhood in Modern Times

By Rev. Mark H. Creech/Christian Action League Striker Summary: The more modern society tries to redefine family and motherhood, the worse things seem to be circumstantially. History, experience and Scripture, however, confirm mothers are a fundamental pillar to healthy lives and a healthy civilization. Motherhood must be endorsed and supported by the broader culture. TheContinue reading “Pillars of Society: Reclaiming Traditional Motherhood in Modern Times”

‘Screens’ Plus Children … Destructive Combination on So Many Levels

by Kelly Oliver/The Parents Television and Media Council Striker Summary: It continues to be confirmed that the combination of young children and unrestricted time on “screens” (i.e., the internet, social media, gaming, etc.) is a terrible situation. Young people are hurt by this in many ways. Parents and caregivers need to act. The column below brought toContinue reading “‘Screens’ Plus Children … Destructive Combination on So Many Levels”

Sexual State at Work: Schools, Planned Parenthood Deceive Parents

By The Ruth Institute By The Ruth Institute The column below brought to you courtesy of Striker Journal … Striker Summary: Across America, agents of the sexual state – Planned Parent operatives, public school officials, etc. — are conspiring to keep parents in the dark regarding what is happening to their children. Sign up toContinue reading “Sexual State at Work: Schools, Planned Parenthood Deceive Parents”

Yes, It’s Here: When American Government Comes for Your Children

By Michael L. Brown Striker Summary: The comforting idea that the U.S. Government would never take children away from Christian parents because they allegedly “think wrong” can no longer be assumed true. It is happening in the nation – even as we read these words. The column below brought to you courtesy of Striker JournalContinue reading “Yes, It’s Here: When American Government Comes for Your Children”

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