Modern Generation at Risk … Time for Seriousness, Courage, Confrontation

By David Lane Striker Summary: The current crisis in Israel is reminding America and Europe how serious life can become … quickly. During the American Revolution and in the face of Nazi tyranny individuals rose up and responded courageously. Will the present generation be ready to do the same when calamity hits? The column belowContinue reading “Modern Generation at Risk … Time for Seriousness, Courage, Confrontation”

D-Day and the Faith of Dwight Eisenhower

By Gary Scott Smith Striker Summary: Dwight Eisenhower’s religious faith played a key role in his decision-making as Allied Commander in World War II. It also deeply influenced him – and thus the nation he served – during his presidency. The column below brought to you courtesy of Striker Journal … Sign up to receiveContinue reading “D-Day and the Faith of Dwight Eisenhower”

Quite a Difference: Washington’s Troops, Today’s University Protesters

By Jerry Newcombe, D.Min. Striker Summary: Comparing the young people currently protesting on America’s universities to the young men who fought for America’s liberty during her Revolutionary War provides a stark contrast. The nation’s Christian roots – and George Washington’s personal Christian faith – played a significant role in shaping that distinction. The column belowContinue reading “Quite a Difference: Washington’s Troops, Today’s University Protesters”

Despite Shortcomings, America Isn’t ‘Failed Historic Model’

By Jerry Newcombe Striker Summary: American patriots need to be concerned about more and more U.S. residents, citizens, and public officials openly denouncing the nation’s ideals. As flawed as is the United States, much of what its Founders endorsed is noble and worth emulating. The column below brought to you courtesy of Striker Journal …Continue reading “Despite Shortcomings, America Isn’t ‘Failed Historic Model’”

History Warns: Trump Hysteria Could Lead to Worst Case Scenario

By John DeGroff Striker Summary: History shows us that one person can generate significant changes which bring jarring, unprecedented results. Donald Trump and the reaction to him confirms this. The column below brought to you courtesy of Striker Journal … Sign up to receive email notifications of each new Striker Journal article! Click here: ScrollContinue reading “History Warns: Trump Hysteria Could Lead to Worst Case Scenario”

Politically Incorrect, Historically True: America’s Early Presidents Endorsed Christianity

By Jerry Newcomb, D.Min Striker Summary: Many of America’s early presidents owned an open and professed faith in Jesus Christ and the God of the Bible. They urged Christian faith upon the American people and American society. The column below brought to you courtesy of Striker Journal … Sign up to receive email notifications ofContinue reading “Politically Incorrect, Historically True: America’s Early Presidents Endorsed Christianity”

In America Today, Who Will Be Voice of Truth While Still Time?

By David Lane Striker Summary: The failure of a significant part of the German Church to speak up against Hitler as he was ascending to power led to his eventual election … and ultimately to World War 2. In America, today, the body of Christ must speak out the truth against the crucial issues ofContinue reading “In America Today, Who Will Be Voice of Truth While Still Time?”

Since It Came Up on Campaign Trail: What DID Cause the Civil War?

By Dr. Gary Scott Smith Striker Summary: A recent back in forth on Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign trail has resurrected discussion about the cause of the Civil War. The answer to that question is actually not as straightforward as some might think. The column below brought to you courtesy of Striker Journal … Sign upContinue reading “Since It Came Up on Campaign Trail: What DID Cause the Civil War?”

Revolutionary War Turning Point … Courtesy of Divine ‘Providence’, Christmastime 1776

by Jerry Newcombe, D.Min., Providence Forum Striker Summary: An astonishing military victory – courtesy of Divine Intervention – spelled a turning point in America’s revolution against British Forces in 1776. The nation’s founders recognized their need for God then. America must do the same today. The column below brought to you courtesy of Striker JournalContinue reading “Revolutionary War Turning Point … Courtesy of Divine ‘Providence’, Christmastime 1776”

Remembering ‘Boston Tea Party’: Step Toward Revolution, Not All Founders Agreed

By Dr. Gary Scott Smith The column below brought to you courtesy of Striker Journal … Striker Summary: Two-hundred-fifty-years ago, The Boston Tea Party occurred, setting the stage for the American Revolution against Great Britain which soon would follow. It was an act of defiance on which the nation’s Founders did not all agree. by Dr.Continue reading “Remembering ‘Boston Tea Party’: Step Toward Revolution, Not All Founders Agreed”

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