Then, Now: Early American Literacy Versus Today’s Woke Education

by Jerry Newcombe, D.Min. Striker Summary: America’s founders emphasized the importance of literacy and education if the nation was to remain secure. The teaching of their day revolved around the Bible and its truths. The nation must return to those roots once again. The column below brought to you courtesy of Striker Journal … SignContinue reading “Then, Now: Early American Literacy Versus Today’s Woke Education”

Standing with Israel, Jews against the Darkness

By Robert Knight The column below brought to you courtesy of Striker Journal … Striker Summary: There are a number of reasons America should stand with Jews against anti-Semitism and with Israel against the genocide Hamas is targeting against them. The most important justification is it is the right thing to do. by Robert KnightContinue reading “Standing with Israel, Jews against the Darkness”

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