Discernment Needed for Sure — But, Yes, God Can Forgive, Change P*orn Stars Too

By Steve Pauwels

Striker Summary: OnlyFans “star” Nala Ray has recently testified to her new faith in Jesus Christ. Not a few observers doubt her sincerity – yet, there is strong evidence she is sincere. What’s the proper attitude about situations like this? … and the sufficiency of God’s forgiveness?

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by Steve Pauwels

When news breaks of celebrities-turned-Christian, lots of people hoot and holler, delighted. Others make a face and roll their eyes. Frankly, nowadays? I can understand either response. 

The latest semi-famous persona to turn up on the “unexpectedly born-again” radar is OnlyFans “model” Nala Ray. The twenty-six-year-old Baptist pastor’s daughter has purportedly abandoned her pornographic doings and was recently baptized. Around Christmastime 2023, she posted a video of the ceremony, complete with the caption: “We all have a choice. I choose God.”

That’s pretty cool stuff.  

Some observers, even so, arch an eyebrow at Ray’s latest iteration. It comes only after she’s already raked in over $9 million plying her smutty trade — $330, 000/month allegedly; among OF’s top .01% earners.

Well-known public figures suddenly professing dramatic faith in Jesus is hardly a new phenomenon, of course – and it seems its frequency is increasing. This can be a rather wonderful thing. Or not. 

I’m thinking about all those high-profile types who’ve grabbed gobs of attention — for a season, at least — by professing newly discovered devotion to the Son of God; only to fade back into unbelief, ungodly behavior or undeniable obscurity after exhausting whatever religious phase it was they were indulging. 

I’m sorry, I can’t help but think of Kanye … or Ye … or whatever … 

Or loudmouth political activist Roger Stone … 

Or deceased novelist Anne Rice … 

So — again, understandably — Nala Ray’s latest claims are being greeted in some sectors with genuine, often biting, suspicion. One skeptic, “anti-feminist vlogger Pearl Davis”, queries in part, “Can we make it believable? Could we just have a year where you guys like study…?” 

The lady might be on to something. 

There’s arguably some prudence to in-the-spotlight “baby” believers’ keeping it on the downlow for a season — maybe a year or two? — following the initial trumpeting of their freshly minted Christian status. Granted, every worshipper of the Savior is supposed to bear open witness to His love, grace and salvation. But how’s about stepping back for a period from high-pressure over-exposure? Hitting the pause button on television interviews, media grillings, entertainment extravaganzas, paparazzi and life on the road — and, instead, digging into the Scriptures, plugging in to a church family, giving oneself some unhurried space — with the help of other faithful — in order to get biblically grounded? And only then returning to the unrelenting public eye? 

If she hasn’t already done so, Ms. Ray would be well advised to connect immediately with a handful of trustworthy, older, godly women who can help her navigate the roiling white waters of living in a Christ-honoring manner in hedonistic, Christ-scanting 2024. For the record, the biblical term is “discipleship” — and it’s a non-negotiable demand for anyone serious about Jesus. The spiritual snares and sinuous temptations of our depraved era are rife for a “regular” person. For a nationally recognized “ex-adult star”? Yikes. Much caution, care and wisdom are in order. 

I still enjoy Bob Dylan’s trio of overtly Christian-themed albums, for instance. But when tidings of his embrace of the New Testament began circulating in the late 1970s, I wish the legendary folk/rock minstrel had laid down his guitar for a more extended spell and focused a bit more intently on deepening his spiritual roots. I suspect he would have benefitted significantly had he gone that route — and only afterwards plunged back onto the stage and into the studio. His current belief system seems somewhat unclear; the signals muddled — which bears out my point. The Bible, after all, is blunt: God prefers His followers sound nothing less than a full-throated, clarion message (see:1 Corinthians 14: 7,8) 

The Spectator‘s Andrew Cockburn opines, “[O]nly time will tell if Ray is another ex-porn star floating down the OnlyFans to tradhot pipeline — or a repentant child of God.” And the Brit journalist ain’t altogether incorrect in that assessment. 

That said, indicators of the erstwhile porn-influencer’s sincerity are heartening. Ray unabashedly denounces her previous, flagrant moral failings, characterizing them as “things I do look back on with regret”; and “bad choices”. She admits she “truly fell into darkness”. 

“I am now giving it all up for Christ,” she avows; and then appears to confirm her seriousness, deleting all her lascivious, income-producing videos. 

Nala Ray’s message to any young women who contemplate following in her salacious footsteps? “Don’t do it … There’s a cliff after this”.

“Ray even threw out a lot of her clothes from her past that were not modest,” writes Jesse T. Jackson, “saying, ‘God has been laying on my heart that I need to be more modest.’” (Some of today’s seasoned church-going ladies need to get that memo(!).)

Whatever the scoffers may say, there seems to be something substantive going on in the previously promiscuous anime cosplayer’s heart. Jesus pledged, you may recall: ” [E]very tree is known by his own fruit.” (Luke 6: 44) Ray’s words and actions could be evidence of same. 

Finally, Cockburn’s piece on the former OF star uncorks this provocative headline: “Is Nala Ray too far gone to be saved?” Assuming the author’s question isn’t tongue-in-cheek, he displays a bedrock misunderstanding of the nature of God’s forgiveness; and of the price He paid — His Son! — to make it possible. 

In an interview with the Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles, Ray compared her experience with the Pharisee Saul’s “radical change” — he eventually became the Apostle Paul — which began miraculously on the road to Damascus. Don’t forget:  he was on a mission to persecute and kill disciples of Christ when the Savior intercepted him (Acts 9: 1-5, 21). That’s indisputably a serious sin problem no matter how you look at it! Nonetheless, God not only cleansed Saul’s guilt, he transformed him into one of His chief instruments for the early church age; a faithful servant who penned fully one-fourth of the New Testament. 

God the Father sent His Son to save a church-ravaging Jewish zealot named Saul? It shouldn’t need be said, then, that when folks like Nala Ray authentically repent and believe in Jesus, He’s got them covered too. (The scriptural term is “justification”.) And their lifestyle thereafter should growingly prove out their metamorphosed condition. (“Sanctification”.)

I recently heard Christian leader Lou Engle proclaim, “The Blood [of Jesus] was not shed for ninety-nine percent of our sins.” (i.e., it was spilled by Him for all of them). Two millennia ago, the aforementioned Bible writer assured “where sin abounded, grace abounded much more”. (Romans 5: 20)

“Grace greater than all our sin,” is the way a treasured hymn frames it.

Pray for Nala Ray; that “fruit that shall remain” will unmistakably blossom from her life (John 15:16). It can happen. As He’s done with “regular folks” for quite some time, God really can rescue famous ones too.

The views here are those of the author and not necessarily Striker Journal.

Image: Screen shot; https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1UoFfZrBMa/

Published by Steve Pauwels

Pastor of Church of the King of Derry/Londonderry, NH; managing editor Striker Journal; former radio/podcast host; married, father of three sons. Writer, exercise enthusiast, Dunkin'Donuts and Waffle House fan. Committed to see the Kingdom of God and His Son Jesus Christ impact every part of life.

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