Gun-Control Only Works in Fantasy World

By Rob Morse

Striker Summary: Gun control advocates and politicians don’t trust law-abiding people. Yet, they promote a fantasy world in which criminals will follow laws which outlaw firearms and thus everyone will remain safe. When their foolishness costs lives and is exposed, however, they are rarely held accountable.

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by Rob Morse 

What stops a criminal from bringing a gun into a sensitive place, a so-called “gun-free” zone?

The way a politician answers that question tells us everything about them. It also tells us a lot about their supporters. The question is crucially important because Democrat politicians recently tried to turn almost all public spaces, and many private places, into locations where trained and licensed citizens would be disarmed by law. Even church security and school security teams are too close to “paramilitary organizations” for their comfort. What the gun-control advocates say may sound unbelievable but we have to believe them when tell us what they think.

Look around you. The obvious answer is that nothing stops an armed criminal from entering most “sensitive places.” There are no armed guards with magnetometers checking for weapons at the local park or at the school parking lot. There isn’t a cop frisking people at every farmers market. Gun-control certainly doesn’t disarm the druggies or the drug dealers. Gun-control doesn’t come close to disarming repeat criminals or disarming mass-murderers. With failure like that, why do they want to pass more gun-control laws?

A gun-control lawyer I debated told me, “But it might disarm them.” I didn’t believe him and you shouldn’t either. We have 23-thousand firearms regulations and they have not stopped the criminals so far. To pretend that the next law will be more effective than the last is delusional and dangerous. Here is the reality we see every day.

Gun-control laws disarmed the many honest citizens who don’t commit violent crimes. To the Democrat politicians who voted for it, the law worked exactly as intended. Their press releases about crime-control were simply another political means to achieve an end. So why would the gun-control politicians lie about disarming us? The reasons are obvious.

The gun-control politicians are comfortable with crime. They know that the police will eventually find a criminal after he has racked up a few-dozen victims. What the politicians fear is that their neighbors might put up a fight. Those politicians would rather offer sympathy to a rape victim than know that the girl next door would shoot a violent attacker rather than be robbed or raped.

Gun-control politicians and their supporters fear you.
They don’t trust you.

They are afraid that you’re armed today, but also that you and other honest citizens might be armed tomorrow. They consider you to be a dangerously violent person who is just looking for the right time and place to commit your crime. They think people are like ticking time-bombs that go off unexpectedly. That, my friends, is called psychological projection.

The thing that distinguishes us from violent sociopaths is that we are in control of ourselves and our thoughts. Unlike the criminals, we are never looking for easy victims, and this is where the story takes an odd turn.

The people who want you helpless think you are dangerously out of control. At the same time, they think criminals don’t really mean to hurt other people. They think we can stop crime with more kind words and more welfare payments. That has been my experience, and they don’t want to hear any argument with their point of view.

In the fantasy world of gun-control advocates, there are no threats from dangerous people and the true-believers can finally feel safe now that the guns are gone. The problem was never people with evil in their hearts but simply the danger created by evil tools. They got rid of those tools, those evil “weapons.” That means the true believers can leave their doors unlocked at night and safely stumble down the street while drunk at 2 in the morning. They also think that everything is negotiable and that “no” never really means no.

That is why they are afraid of you. They are barely in control of themselves and they are afraid you will stop them when they lose control.

Their latest proposals convert the world into one giant “gun-free” zone. The politicians who want you vulnerable will never be held accountable when the criminals and crazies continue to commit violence.

Now that I think about it, the Democrat politicians supporting gun-control might be right. When you’ve failed the last 23-thousand times and no one has called you out on it, then why not go for one more useless law.

Our safety is in our hands.

I gave you 700 words. If they helped you, then please share them with a friend and leave a comment. RM

The views here are those of the author and not necessarily Striker Journal.

Originally posted here.


Rob Morse has worked as an engineering/physics geek, involved with some of the best tools and the smartest people in the business. He writes extensively on firearm-related issues and other matters. Rob contributes to a number of print publications and produces the Self-Defense Gun Stories podcast. He is also an amateur firearms instructor and competitor.

Published by Steve Pauwels

Pastor of Church of the King of Derry/Londonderry, NH; managing editor Striker Journal; former radio/podcast host; married, father of three sons. Writer, exercise enthusiast, Dunkin'Donuts and Waffle House fan. Committed to see the Kingdom of God and His Son Jesus Christ impact every part of life.

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