Separation of Powers: Key to Opposing Out-of-Control, Bloated Government

By Allan Erickson

Striker Summary: Joe Biden is President — not King – of America. The constitutional arrangement of Separation of Powers is an essential check against untrammeled executive power. It must be supported and enforced.

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by Allan Erickson

Democrats, with the help of some Republicans, are enemies of the U.S. because they work to dismantle our republic.

The Constitution sets up a system of checks and balances within the framework of separation of powers, powers shared by the Judiciary, the Legislative and the Executive branches, along with the states. The idea was to separate these branches of government and balance them to prevent dictators like Obama/Biden from taking over.

By blending branches and allowing crossover authorities, politicians and activists have so muddied the waters, chaos ensues. A republic firmly established in the separation of powers with checks and balances is the only guardian of freedom, the only insurance we have against government overreach.

Executive Joe Biden, the chief law enforcement officer, picks and chooses what he will or will not enforce regardless of his oath. Violating immigration law is a hallmark of Biden’s overreach. He embraces Executive Supremacy. Working to undermine the Supreme Court on abortion, is another example. Arbitrarily declaring war without any consent from the Legislative branch, another example of tyrannical rule. Mandating COVID injections (immoral and illegal), more evidence of dictatorship. The court ruled mandates unconstitutional. Biden ignores the court and demands mandates as if he is king. Fierce and out of control prosecutions of J6 defendants, violations of due process, more examples of selective, unfair  

Speaking of J6 arrests and prosecutions, the Judicial, Executive and Legislative branches conspired to hold suspects without trial indefinitely, without charges and without proper defense. The J6 House committee was obviously a railroad job, a fraud and a farce.

Literally hundreds of laws and enforcement operations attack citizens and dismantle the Constitution consistently. Forcing a radical, extra legislative green agenda is yet another example of people abusing the system in order to crowbar their vision, a Marxist utopia set up through violence.

The most glaring example of all this is seen in the treatment of President Donald Trump. Time and again he has been vilified and assaulted, by the combined efforts of all three branches. He has been attacked, sued, arrested, charged, slandered and declared guilty instead of presumed innocent. His privacy and his rights have been violated numerous times, justified by false charges, rumor and innuendo.

It is no exaggeration to say that unless this gang rape of the Constitution stops, the country will be consumed by a mass psychology of fascism. We the People must intervene, according to the Declaration and the Constitution.  We must be always lawful, and always peaceful, but the time has come to consider a tax revolt, or a national strike. And the time has come to put President Trump back in the White House.

The views here are those of the author and not necessarily Striker Journal.

No Striker Journal column should necessarily be taken as the site’s endorsement of any political candidate or party.

A version of this column originally appeared at .


Published by Steve Pauwels

Pastor of Church of the King of Derry/Londonderry, NH; managing editor Striker Journal; former radio/podcast host; married, father of three sons. Writer, exercise enthusiast, Dunkin'Donuts and Waffle House fan. Committed to see the Kingdom of God and His Son Jesus Christ impact every part of life.

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