Seven Decades Ago Until Right Now: Israel, a Nation Under Siege

By Michael L. Brown Striker Summary: From the moment of its national rebirth in 1948 until the current crises, Israel has been under literal, physical threat. An explanation for its ongoing survival can only be the Hand of God. The column below brought to your courtesy of Striker Journal … Sign up to receive emailContinue reading “Seven Decades Ago Until Right Now: Israel, a Nation Under Siege”

Biden Administration Siding with Terrorists, Throwing Israel Under Bus

By Jerry Newcombe, D.Min. Striker Summary: The Biden Administration’s recent refusal to follow through with congressionally approved arms shipments to Israel is a political maneuver designed to secure support from American Arab voters. In this move, Biden is siding with Hamas terrorists who want to destroy Israel. The column below brought to you courtesy ofContinue reading “Biden Administration Siding with Terrorists, Throwing Israel Under Bus”

Media, Academic Lies Stoke Chaotic Behavior … and Threaten Christians in the Process

By Allan Erickson Striker Summary: Ignorance and false information – much of it from the media — is stoking dangerous behavior in America and particularly on its college campuses. Serious Christians are falsely maligned in the process. The column below brought to you courtesy of Striker Journal … No Striker Journal column should necessarily beContinue reading “Media, Academic Lies Stoke Chaotic Behavior … and Threaten Christians in the Process”

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