Wanna Start Controversy? In Congress Quote Words of America’s Founders

By Jerry Newcombe, D.Min. Striker Summary: A Christian chaplain stirs controversy by praying the words of some of America’s Founding figures when opening a recent session of Congress. Once again, the historical ignorance of some of the nation’s lawmakers is put on display. The column below brought to you courtesy of Striker Journal … SignContinue reading “Wanna Start Controversy? In Congress Quote Words of America’s Founders”

Remembering ‘Boston Tea Party’: Step Toward Revolution, Not All Founders Agreed

By Dr. Gary Scott Smith The column below brought to you courtesy of Striker Journal … Striker Summary: Two-hundred-fifty-years ago, The Boston Tea Party occurred, setting the stage for the American Revolution against Great Britain which soon would follow. It was an act of defiance on which the nation’s Founders did not all agree. by Dr.Continue reading “Remembering ‘Boston Tea Party’: Step Toward Revolution, Not All Founders Agreed”

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