Expect A.I., Catholic Pols, Mothers to Speak Up for Unborn? Prepare to Be Disappointed …

By Steve Pauwels The column below brought to you courtesy of Striker Journal … Striker Summary: One AI program’s views on protecting young life seems to be inconsistent. As do those of some prominent, elected, “religious” officials. Sign up to receive email notifications of each new Striker Journal article! Click here: Scroll down to “FollowContinue reading “Expect A.I., Catholic Pols, Mothers to Speak Up for Unborn? Prepare to Be Disappointed …”

‘Pro-Choice’ Is Misnomer to Cover Coercion, Greed from Abortion Industry

by Jerry Newcombe, D.Min Striker Summary: Abortion supporters like to speak about “pro-choice” but the facts are that a substantial percentage of women who receive abortions felt coerced to do so – not in insignificant part by a baby-killing industry that makes millions of dollars from the procedure. By Jerry Newcombe, D.Min The column belowContinue reading “‘Pro-Choice’ Is Misnomer to Cover Coercion, Greed from Abortion Industry”

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