Left’s War on American Dream … Pushback Rising Up

By Robert Knight Striker Summary: The Left is using today’s difficulties, culture and social pressures to coerce people into going along with their ‘woke” agenda. Pushback is finally rising up against these indoctrinating efforts but the conflict will be uncomfortable for all involved. The column below brought to you courtesy of Striker Journal … SignContinue reading “Left’s War on American Dream … Pushback Rising Up”

No, Hunter Biden’s Gun Conviction Doesn’t ‘Uphold Rule of Law’

By Robert Knight Striker Summary: The right decision was reached in the recent Hunter Biden case, but that doesn’t absolve the Democratic Party and Biden’s Justice Department of abusing the rule of law. They are both still guilty of ruthlessly using the legal system to persecute the Democrats’ main opponent. The column below brought toContinue reading “No, Hunter Biden’s Gun Conviction Doesn’t ‘Uphold Rule of Law’”

National, International ‘Lawfare’ Threatens America’s Constitutional System

By Allan Erickson Striker Summary: “Lawfare” leads to tyrannical show-trials. It abuses the legal processes for political purposes. It is occurring right now in the United States and abroad and is an anti-American threat to the nation’s constitutional system. The column below brought to you courtesy of Striker Journal … Sign up to receive emailContinue reading “National, International ‘Lawfare’ Threatens America’s Constitutional System”

Lawfare: Odor of Deceitfulness Filling Nation, Government, Politics

By David Lane Striker Summary:  “Lawfare” is a term concocted to describe the tactic of trying to silence and intimidate people by pummeling them with legal actions. Donald Trump has been facing it for years. The Federal Government helps facilitate this abuse by being too concentrated in Washington, D.C., instead of being scattered across theContinue reading “Lawfare: Odor of Deceitfulness Filling Nation, Government, Politics”

Supreme Court Must Weigh in: Is Unprecedented Political Persecution Okay?

By Robert Knight Striker Summary:  It is high time for the U.S. Supreme Court to address the outrage of Democrats’ “lawfare”. This is their recent use of sloppy, facile threats of criminal prosecution to intimidate and silence their political opponents – most especially, former President Donald Trump and those who have worked with him. TheContinue reading “Supreme Court Must Weigh in: Is Unprecedented Political Persecution Okay?”

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