SPLC Seeks to Profit Off of Alleged Hate, False Accusations

by Jerry Newcombe, D.Min. Striker Summary: Despite its name, the Southern Poverty Law Center seems more concerned with tormenting and ridiculing pro-Christian, pro-family groups – and making serious bank doing so — than with fighting poverty among the truly needy. The column below brought to you courtesy of Striker Journal … Sign up to receiveContinue reading “SPLC Seeks to Profit Off of Alleged Hate, False Accusations”

‘Pro-Choice’ Is Misnomer to Cover Coercion, Greed from Abortion Industry

by Jerry Newcombe, D.Min Striker Summary: Abortion supporters like to speak about “pro-choice” but the facts are that a substantial percentage of women who receive abortions felt coerced to do so – not in insignificant part by a baby-killing industry that makes millions of dollars from the procedure. By Jerry Newcombe, D.Min The column belowContinue reading “‘Pro-Choice’ Is Misnomer to Cover Coercion, Greed from Abortion Industry”

Greatest Christmas Gift: One Solitary Life Changed Everything … Keeps Changing Things Today

by Jerry Newcombe, D.Min., Providence Forum Striker Summary: In sending His Son to earth in the human Person of Jesus, God the Father gave humanity a gift that keeps on giving today. With the “incarnation” of Christ, everything changed. We are therefore to live for Him today in a way that gives to others. TheContinue reading “Greatest Christmas Gift: One Solitary Life Changed Everything … Keeps Changing Things Today”

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