Anti-Bible Americans Clueless at Crucial Part Book Played in Founding Nation’s System

By Jerry Newcombe, D.Min. Striker Summary: Those who insist the Bible should have zero influence on the United States’ public policy are completely disregarding the central role the Book played in the early establishing of the nation. The column below brought to you courtesy of Striker Journal … Sign up to receive email notifications ofContinue reading “Anti-Bible Americans Clueless at Crucial Part Book Played in Founding Nation’s System”

Americans Admit Nation Sinking … Time to Reconsider Ten Commandments in American Culture? (Pt. 1)

By Rev. Mark CreechChristian Action League Striker Summary: Louisiana has passed legislation requiring the posting of The Ten Commandments in all public schools. These directives have played a substantial, historic role in developing American law and culture. As dominant majorities of Americans admit the nation is on the wrong track, perhaps a return to theseContinue reading “Americans Admit Nation Sinking … Time to Reconsider Ten Commandments in American Culture? (Pt. 1)”

Philly Statue of William Penn Saved (But Don’t Let Your Guard Down)

By Jerry Newcomb, D.Min Striker Summary: In yet another assault on America’s founding generation, the Biden Administration was planning on removing a statue of William Penn from a park in the City of Pennsylvania in order to provide a more “woke” atmosphere and increase focus on Native American history. Yet, Penn was a Christian manContinue reading “Philly Statue of William Penn Saved (But Don’t Let Your Guard Down)”

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