Lawfare: Odor of Deceitfulness Filling Nation, Government, Politics

By David Lane Striker Summary:  “Lawfare” is a term concocted to describe the tactic of trying to silence and intimidate people by pummeling them with legal actions. Donald Trump has been facing it for years. The Federal Government helps facilitate this abuse by being too concentrated in Washington, D.C., instead of being scattered across theContinue reading “Lawfare: Odor of Deceitfulness Filling Nation, Government, Politics”

Time to Throw Chevron Overboard: Up with Liberty! Down with Oppressive Admin State!

By John A. Sparks Striker Summary: The so-called “Chevron Case” currently before the U.S. Supreme Court represents an opportunity for the Justices to strike a blow for liberty against the overreaching administrative state which has been harassing citizens for decades. The column below brought to you courtesy of Striker Journal … Sign up to receiveContinue reading “Time to Throw Chevron Overboard: Up with Liberty! Down with Oppressive Admin State!”

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