Which One? Politicians’ Fantasy Solutions Versus Truth Lived Out on Ground

By Rob Morse

Striker Summary: Politicians specialize in offering solutions to problems of theoretical worlds envisioned in their minds – as opposed to the actual world in which struggling individuals live. Regular folks – maybe? – seem to be beginning to react against this bizarre, frustrating situation.

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by Rob Morse 

I was listening to Democrat Politicians over the weekend as they apologized for the violence on many college campuses. The images of unrest looked like what we’d seen only a few years ago. I was struck by the fine line that these politicians had to walk. They couldn’t approve of the violence and couldn’t condemn it either. That reaction is part of a larger pattern. According to the Democrats, almost everything about us is broken. Don’t worry because they know exactly how we need to be fixed.Your relationships with your family are broken, but Democrats can fix them. Your sexual relations are broken, but they can fix those too. Your job is broken and needs to be destroyed and “built back better”. Your community is broken, as are your schools and your churches. Your city is horribly broken, but Democrats have the desperately needed answers. In fact, the entire nation is broken, and only Democrat politicians can fix it. Democrats only need more power, more money, and more control to remake everything they see.

Ignoring the price tag, the obvious question is if this shiny new society actually works in the first place.

We see people fleeing California and New York where Democrat politicians have been in control for decades. Those are the two most populous states in the nation so this isn’t a trivial effect. We are running from New Jersey, and Illinois, and DC.  Even government employees are complaining about having to return to the swamp after working remotely, and you can’t get a more Democrat-controlled city than the District of Columbia.

Our failing cities and states have been controlled by Democrats for generations. We could list the failed Democrat controlled cites from coast to coast and border to border. We see people leave the places where Democrat ideas hold sway, and they run to red cities and red states.

I know that the details of migration and population shifts are more complicated than that simple summation. Every state, every city, and every neighborhood has a rich story to tell. That is the point.

We all make mistakes and we all have insights into our own situation. I know what I need better than a politician or an academic could possibly know. They don’t have the right questions let alone the right answers. I know that is true for me. I suspect that is true for you as well.I spent a lifetime making mistakes and building new things. I was surprised all the time, yet even the smallest village is vastly more complex than anything I designed. A lofty tower of imagined ideas can sound pretty attractive. Politicians make all kinds of fantastic claims about something that doesn’t actually exist. The theoretical world is always more attractive than the well-worn reality that grinds along every day.

I suspect that the people who want to tear it all down haven’t actually built anything themselves.

The views here are those of the author and not necessarily Striker Journal.

Originally posted here.

Image:  https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/; Adapted from: https://www.fastcompany.com/90953264/creativity-can-help-leaders-adapt-to-any-crisis; rawpixel

Rob Morse has worked as an engineering/physics geek, involved with some of the best tools and the smartest people in the business. He writes extensively on firearm-related issues and other matters. Rob contributes to a number of print publications and produces the Self-Defense Gun Stories podcast. He is also an amateur firearms instructor and competitor.

Published by Steve Pauwels

Pastor of Church of the King of Derry/Londonderry, NH; managing editor Striker Journal; former radio/podcast host; married, father of three sons. Writer, exercise enthusiast, Dunkin'Donuts and Waffle House fan. Committed to see the Kingdom of God and His Son Jesus Christ impact every part of life.

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