When Trans Rage Leads to the Murder of Children

By Michael L. Brown

Striker Summary: With the publication of mass-shooter Audrey Hale’s “Manifesto” it is clear the troubled young woman would not have turned out okay if only she’d had access to more advanced “gender-affirming” treatments.

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by Michael L. Brown

The details of the March 2023 mass killing in Nashville, Tennessee are all too familiar now: Little children were slaughtered in cold blood and innocent educators gunned down. Yet something was different about this tragic massacre. This one took place in a Christian school — the very school the shooter went to as a child.

And this time, the shooter was a woman.

As The New York Times noted on March 27, 2023, “In a database of 172 public shootings involving at least four fatalities over the last five and a half decades, all but four of the perpetrators were male.”

Yet this female mass murderer, Audrey Hale, was different in still another way: She identified as a man.

It has been known since last year’s horrific attack that Hale’s writings, called a “manifesto,” outlined her reasons for the massacre. But until last week, those writings had not been released by the police.

Now that some of them have been made public, we have a window into Hale’s tormented soul.

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Originally posted here.

Image: Screen Shot: Fox17 Nashville; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6-dM6I6u4Q

Dr. Michael Brown (https://thelineoffire.org/is the host of the nationally syndicated The Line of Fire radio show. He is the author of over 40 books, including Can You be Gay and Christian; Our Hands are Stained with Blood; and Seizing the Moment: How to Fuel the Fires of Revival. Dr. Brown is dedicated to equipping you with hope, engaging your faith, and empowering you to become a voice for Moral Sanity and Spiritual Clarity. You can connect with him on Facebook, X, or YouTube.

Published by Steve Pauwels

Pastor of Church of the King of Derry/Londonderry, NH; managing editor Striker Journal; former radio/podcast host; married, father of three sons. Writer, exercise enthusiast, Dunkin'Donuts and Waffle House fan. Committed to see the Kingdom of God and His Son Jesus Christ impact every part of life.

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